Wednesday, October 27, 2010

If I could fix it I would

It is so sad that you can see someone you love in pain and hurting like hell and you can't do a thing about it.
I am in that position at the moment and despite all of the positive affirmations I can give I cant take the hurt away.
I wish I had a magic wand and could fix everything but sadly I don't and I can't
I can only just be there and I hope it helps but I don't think it does or at least not to the level I would like it to.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

I remember.................all those years ago

How in love with ABBA I was and today just rekindled all that for me.
As an only child I kept myself amused in my late primary years listening to ABBA. I was ABBA crazy, I still am.
Today I had a trip down memory lane when I visited ABBA World in at Fed square with Alyce
It was like I was 12 again and I loved it
I remember trying to believe that I could be them, loved the music, loved the life they lead just everything about them, it was what kept me going.
Frida was my favourite and I even remember performing as her in front of the Grade 6's to raise money for something all those years ago.
I have seen the stage show and the movie and all the music and memorabilia that was around me today was awesome. Thankyou to my friends at Reed who gave me the tickets as a farewell present it was very much appreciated.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Why aren't there more hours in the day? Or why aren't I just more disciplined?

I could do with a couple more hours in the day, a couple more days in the week, a week or 2 extra in the month and so on.
I cant believe we are nearly at Christmas again or a least worrying about what to do for Christmas.
Life never seems to slow down, it is one thing after another and I know that time travels at the same pace for everyone but after having a couple of days off this week I wonder how I fit it all in.
I fitted in 2 nights of going to night school for 9 weeks but have I been disciplined enough to sit down at the computer for 6 hours a week and continue on with my diploma - no siree.
Discipline has always been an issue for me - I HAVE NONE
Dieting, exercising cleaning, paperwork all things that require discipline and I have NONE.
I decided for my 2010 resolution that I would start being more disciplined with the paperwork - did that happen NO. We have an appointment with the tax agent on Tuesday, am I ready NO.
I want to know who invented paper cos is seems we have more than our fair share at this house and I hate it!
Well thats enough ranting I think I have it out of my system and I do really need to go and make sure I am ready to get the tax done
Bye for now

Monday, October 11, 2010

29 years later and still going strong

Yesterday was the 29th Anniversary of the day that Kev and I formally had a date or our first kiss whichever suits.
I cant believe it has been that long, the time has flown.
A majority of that time has been great but I am sure you cant survive living with someone that long and not have issues and there is no doubt we have had ours but I can honestly say the good times far outweigh the bad.
I have been with Kev since I was a 16 year old girl at high school, he was nearly 19 when I met him so we have grown together into a couple from a very young age and I believe this has been great for both of us.
We have a wonderful daughter, a great house (that could do with a better housekeeper than me) we have travelled (hope there is more of that to come) and generally life is good.
Lets hope there are lots more years to this partnership - I am sure there are
Next year sees us being together 30 years and married for 25 years - we are hoping to travel overseas but if that doesnt happen I am planning on having some sort of celebration of our love together

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Well now I have missed a year

A friend has started writing on her blog and because I posted a comment my blog page bobbed up out of nowhere.
It has officially been more than 13 months since I last wrote on this blog and what a year it has been.
Will it keep this up I don't know, but I am having trouble remembering things so maybe it is a good idea that I come here sometimes and record my thoughts.
Well the last year has seen me change careers and I can honestly say I don't miss the bank at all.
At the age of 45 who would have thought that a whole new career world would beckon but it has.
I am now an Employee Advocate and although it has its bad days like most jobs it has its great days too. The satisfaction I get from helping someone find a job is quite exhilarating. There was never quite that feeling I got from anything I did in the bank unless it was helping someone achieve something for them.
I am lucky I have been able to keep some wonderful friends from my 25 years in the 2 banks I worked for and on the other hand quite sad about the way it all ended at the Bank. I feel extremely let down by some who I thought were on my side, when it has become quite clear that wasn't the case. I hope that they will be able to live with what happened and why and what has happened since, but then thats their problem and not mine anymore.
I have had 2 great jobs since leaving the Bank and have again met some wonderful people at Reed that I will keep as friends forever and have now met some great people at my new job.
Ok enough about me...................
Well our baby girl is nearly 18, not far off getting her license, finishing year 12 and still working at Maccas (which she loves). She is in the middle of deciding what to do next year with it changing on a daily basis. She has saved money to buy a car and overall a great young lady.
Won't say that she doesn't push my buttons sometimes though and usually she knows it and revels in it. BUT we love her with all our heart...................where did all those years go?
And Kev, well he is still Kev, riding his bike although not quite as much after the car hit him and he had a knee op but he is getting back into it a bit more now that the weather is starting to fine up. He has unfortunately had to drive to Keysborough for work since the start of the year which is a bit of a pain but he has soldiered on.
We havent had a holiday for a couple of years so I think that might be on the cards soon too.
We have had some issues with both my step dad and Kev's dad being in hospital over the last couple of months but hope that they are both on the improve now.
Well the footy has had it ups and downs this year but hopefully with the introduction of a new coach and a few less injuries next year we will be in for some finals action.
The highlight would have to have been the Best and Fairest held at Crown Pallidium last week.
Well the scrapping has been happening too and we are just over a week away from another weekend away so looking forward to that and catching up with the girlies.
OK think this has been long and boring enough but I must admit it was funny reading back through the posts and seeing what had happened over the last couple of years, maybe I should do this on a more regular basis just for my own sake.
See ya soon