Sunday, October 24, 2010

I remember.................all those years ago

How in love with ABBA I was and today just rekindled all that for me.
As an only child I kept myself amused in my late primary years listening to ABBA. I was ABBA crazy, I still am.
Today I had a trip down memory lane when I visited ABBA World in at Fed square with Alyce
It was like I was 12 again and I loved it
I remember trying to believe that I could be them, loved the music, loved the life they lead just everything about them, it was what kept me going.
Frida was my favourite and I even remember performing as her in front of the Grade 6's to raise money for something all those years ago.
I have seen the stage show and the movie and all the music and memorabilia that was around me today was awesome. Thankyou to my friends at Reed who gave me the tickets as a farewell present it was very much appreciated.

1 comment:

A Meander Through The Jungle said...

Glad you enjoyed it Kaz, and that you shared it with Alyce. I hated Abba by the time I had heard Fernando on the radio for the 1000000 time and then had to learn it backwards and forwards for music in year 8 lol.