Saturday, October 23, 2010

Why aren't there more hours in the day? Or why aren't I just more disciplined?

I could do with a couple more hours in the day, a couple more days in the week, a week or 2 extra in the month and so on.
I cant believe we are nearly at Christmas again or a least worrying about what to do for Christmas.
Life never seems to slow down, it is one thing after another and I know that time travels at the same pace for everyone but after having a couple of days off this week I wonder how I fit it all in.
I fitted in 2 nights of going to night school for 9 weeks but have I been disciplined enough to sit down at the computer for 6 hours a week and continue on with my diploma - no siree.
Discipline has always been an issue for me - I HAVE NONE
Dieting, exercising cleaning, paperwork all things that require discipline and I have NONE.
I decided for my 2010 resolution that I would start being more disciplined with the paperwork - did that happen NO. We have an appointment with the tax agent on Tuesday, am I ready NO.
I want to know who invented paper cos is seems we have more than our fair share at this house and I hate it!
Well thats enough ranting I think I have it out of my system and I do really need to go and make sure I am ready to get the tax done
Bye for now

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