Wednesday, October 27, 2010

If I could fix it I would

It is so sad that you can see someone you love in pain and hurting like hell and you can't do a thing about it.
I am in that position at the moment and despite all of the positive affirmations I can give I cant take the hurt away.
I wish I had a magic wand and could fix everything but sadly I don't and I can't
I can only just be there and I hope it helps but I don't think it does or at least not to the level I would like it to.


Kes said...
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Kes said...

I know how you feel Karen, I'd like to feel like I was more support for a friend and a family member who are going through tough times at the moment... And doing it all from the other side of the world where you can't even give them a hug - well, it just doesn't feel like I'm doing anything at all.

I guess we just have to do as best we can and know that those people we love understand that we're doing just that.


A Meander Through The Jungle said...

Hey sometimes just being there means the world xxxxx