Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What a wonderful day

I just spent a very relaxing Sunday with 5 great friends at Where a Girl Goes High Tea Party.
Everything was just wonderful, the staff were great, the food yummo and the activities such as Tarot Card reading and card making just brilliant and to top it off Natalie Gauci and her band played.
I also won a raffle prize but happened to be sitting on the toilet when my name was called so missed the excitement but the prize was definitely worth winning and then we got a goody bag to go home with.
Overall a wonderful day with wonderful friends and we have vowed to do it on a more regular basis, go out and spoil ourselves every now and then.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Another milestone

Well this time last week we were gearing up for the 18th Birthday party and today Alyce gained her total independence by getting her P's.
At the moment I haven't really processed it all properly because she is at work and her car is here.
She does want her dad and I to take it down to her so she can drive home tonight but that hasn't been decided on as yet.
Am I scared about her driving - you bet I am. Not so much about her because I think she is a pretty good driver although she has had her moments but more about others on the road.
You only have to watch the news each night to know that the young ones these days dont really have an idea about how dangerous our roads are and what power there is when they get behind the wheel.
But this is probably the last of the apron strings that needs to be cut, she no longer needs me to drive her here and there, we dont need to worry about being back in Broadmeadows by a certain time to pick her up from work etc.
I am sure after a couple of drives on her own I will be OK - no I won't who am I kidding but I am sure it was the same for my mum when I got my licence so I will just have to live with it and wait for her to walk in the door and sigh that little sigh of relief that she is home safe and sound.
The other issue now is the juggling of cars in the driveway! Oh well such is life

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Well its over and done with

Alyce's 18th Birthday Party that is.
Friday night came and went without too many dramas thank goodness.
We had a few hiccups with rain putting paid to plans to have it in the backyard, thankfully our carport is big enough to hold a party and with a couple of strategic placings of tarps the carport was closed in from the weather and all went ahead.
The birthday girl was 100% well but soldiered on and received some great presents from family and friends.
Just a tip to those having parties for the younger generation, food isnt overly essential as they dont eat - or dont seem to. Lots of food left over but thats ok.
Well our baby girl is now legally an adult and only has a couple more days to wait until she goes for her licence and then a few weeks to get her exam results so heres hoping for good results in both

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Inspired by these 2 crusty old blokes who I love and copied from my BFFL

HERE IS MY BUCKET LIST (and I can add to it as I need or think of something else)

  1. Foster a child or
  2. Participate in Big Brother Big Sister
  3. Go to Europe with Kevin and discover where my and Kev’s ancestors came from
  4. Spend lots of quality time with my husband and daughter
  5. Be a good daughter
  6. Spend lots of quality time with my friends
  7. Be the mother of the Bride (but not for at least 8-10 years are you listening Alyce?)
  8. Be a Grandma (but not for at least 8-10 years, and then after the wedding are you listening Alyce?)
  9. Sleep at the zoo (either Melbourne or Werribee) with the animals
  10. See Neil Diamond
  11. See the Nth Melbourne Football Club win at least one but hopefully many more premierships
  12. See at least one but I would like several more Kangaroo Brownlow Medallists
  13. Gain a Diploma
  14. Scrapbook more and more fun events
  15. Lose weight
  16. Go to Ayers Rock
  17. See the Great Barrier Reef
  18. Have a very different 50th Birthday Party
  19. Travel, travel and more travel anywhere
  20. Go on scrapbook retreats with my friends
  21. If Abba tour I would be there with bells on (can’t see this happening though)
  22. Go back to Thailand
  23. Go back to see parts of the USA I didn’t see the first time and some that I did
  24. Be in Gallipoli on Anzac day
  25. Watch Alyce grow into a beautiful young independent woman (this has already started)
  26. Go on a cruise
  27. Maybe meet someone who I have wanted to for a long time

Wow, I am having fun here and I am a copy cat

When I first started this blogging caper it was hard to navigate around getting things done on here but I dont know if I have got better at the computer or blogger has made it easier but I now know what to do and how to do it and re-arrange things and add things and I love it. So it might mean that I do this blogging thing on a more regular basis which is good for me cos I am starting to forget things. LOL

Anyway on the copy cat thing, my BFFL started a bucket list on her blog and I think its a super idea so I am going to copy it. Over the years I have seen list of things I would like to do before I am fifty and because thats not all that far away I am not sure thats a great idea, so just a bucket list of the things I would like to do someday/oneday is better and thats what I will do in another post so that I can keep track

Friday, November 05, 2010

I love to Scrapbook

And over the years have met many wonderful new friends because of it.
I just wish there were more hours in the day for me to be able to do it on a regular basis.
These days I now need a day or weekend together with friends to get things done and I love the times we share when doing this, but I wish I was one of those people who just does it because they can when they have a couple of spare hours to themselves.
Maybe with the clean up that happened here on the weekend cos of Miss nearly 18's up coming birthday I will get myself sorted properly and be able to do that.
This year has seen me scrap occasions rather than individual Layouts, having done an 18th album for a BFFL's daughter and a well loved 80th Album for my aunt and having just completed my own daughters Deb Ball album.
On the last weekend away I was able to complete one out of the blue LO with a photo of some of the friends I love to scrapbook with, and they might share there own LO of the same photo.
Here is a few recent ones and a not so recent one that I love
First one is my grandparents at my parents wedding, next is one I did for a project a few years ago of my family, next Alyce at her Deb Ball and last those scrapping Friends who I love with a LO a bit out of my compfort zone cos I used patterned paper, sorry the photo isnt great